How companies benefit from automating customer service
It's the year 2020. Artificial intelligence is now more than just a buzzword or a trending topic. The term has long since outgrown this stage and has actually established itself as a veritable topic in society and in our everyday language use. Artificial intelligence has long been present in all areas of life — in private life as well as in everyday working life. There, in particular, the applications are diverse. Regardless of company size and budget, positive changes can be identified with easy-to-implement measures, such as AI chatbots.
We ask Alexa about the weather, listen to playlists created individually for us on Spotify or get an alternative route suggested by our car at short notice to avoid a traffic jam on our route. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives. The examples mentioned above are primarily ways to make our personal everyday life more pleasant. However, the huge range of options offered by artificial intelligence is also particularly interesting for companies. AI helps them to become or remain agile, innovative, and scalable.
How AI chatbots simplify processes in companies
According to a study published by Statista in September 2020, 11.3% of the market volume represents Automation in customer service and support represents the largest share of all areas of application for AI. This includes email and messenger automation, for example. However, chatbots in particular are responsible for the lion's share. This is because AI chatbots offer a variety of benefits, both for your own company and employees as well as for (potential) customers. In this way, AI chatbots optimize and speed up processes by clustering questions from customers or website visitors in advance and assigning them to various subject areas. The chatbot answers simpler questions independently, and reliably forwards more complex inquiries to customer support.
This results in an additional advantage: Employees are relieved and have time to focus on complex inquiries more intensively, while the software takes care of all other inquiries — around the clock. This in turn has a positive effect on the satisfaction of website visitors, as their concerns are dealt with much faster.
The best AI chatbots learn with every conversation, can predict follow-up questions, for example, and automate customer service a bit more day by day. In fact, they can Reduce costs by up to 50% in the medium term through the use of AI chatbots in customer service.
Deployed quickly, amortized even faster
Of course, the implementation of new software and AI involves investments, but it is well known that the path to economic success and long-term competitiveness of the company cannot be spared. Investments are essential if you want to remain competitive. However, there is positive news when it comes to investing in an AI chatbot, as the costs of an AI chatbot in customer service pay off just after a short time.
You can calculate how much an AI chatbot pays off in your individual case using our “Return on Invest” calculator. Calculate your benefit here.
Why is a chatbot worthwhile in customer service for most companies?
The system not only provides you with advice, it also triggers orders on request and handles complaints if they occur. The implementation of an AI chatbot is a long-term investment in the customer journey and leads to more and, above all, happier customers. A simple connection of comprehensive AI chatbots, such as, to existing CRM systems (such as HubSpot) or live chat systems (e.g. Zendesk) also simplifies internal processes and provides a holistic solution in the background, even with heterogeneous software landscapes.
You can also find out more benefits of an AI chatbot in customer service in our blog article “5 benefits of chatbots in customer service”.
Setting the Course for Future Success
Die Study by Statista mentioned at the beginning Incidentally, it also predicts that global sales of AI will double to around 110 billion US $ within the next four years. From this, it can be concluded that there is tremendous potential for companies, regardless of which sector or industry. Artificial intelligence can and will optimize many areas and increase the profitability of companies. They want to find ways to use AI for themselves. Not just because they want to, but because they have to if they want to remain competitive.
AI chatbots offer companies an uncomplicated and promising solution for making customer communication more pleasant, efficient and successful through automation.