Generate scalable and automated customer insights

The moinAI chatbot automates the answering of incoming customer inquiries and at the same time collects valuable customer insights for your company. So you can better understand and predict customer behavior.

A mockup of the Dashboard
+1.000.000 successful conversations with +100 companies

Generate customer insights in a scalable and efficient way

Chatbots are often criticized for having little understanding apart from trained knowledge and are unable to work on or even reflect on unknown topics. This is different with moinAI.

Blaues i
Find out what users want
Apart from already known and expected topics and questions.
Blaues Icon von Gehirn
Independent development of the chatbot
Based on conversations, the chatbot records which additional topics are relevant.
Blaues Icon Mensch vor Bildschirm
Benefit from available data
Find out at any time what questions and concerns your website visitors have when talking to the chatbot.

Generate customer insights through dreaming

The Dreaming AI feature allows you to find out what motivates and interests your users — apart from the topics and questions that are already known and expected. The AI mechanisms running in the background are very complex to make the result all the easier for your company. The automatically created dreaming suggestions from the AI give you a detailed insight into the topics and questions that concern your users.

Ein Mockup vom Dashboard
Ein Mockup vom Dashboard

Get customer insights from conversations

The moinAI chatbot is available to your customers 24/7. Of course, a large number of conversations therefore accumulate, which can be viewed and evaluated in the MoiNAI Hub. Benefit from this available information and data and find out what questions and concerns your website visitors have when talking to the chatbot.

The view of conversations that took place provides all the information you need: the exact time, the page on which the conversation took place and, of course, the individual content of the messages.

That's how it works

The AI mechanisms involved in dreaming are highly complex. However, it is very easy for you to use.

1. Trained topics

The chatbot's AI is trained on a set of topics and can answer questions on just these topics.

2. Misunderstood request

The chatbot receives a question about a topic that is not yet known. The question cannot therefore be answered.

3. Reflection

The AI registers that although it does not know this topic and cannot answer it, it could be relevant for users.

4. Clustering

If an unknown topic appears again and again, the AI clusters the said queries

5. Topic suggestions

These topics are then suggested to the company or the chatbot owner.

6. Topic extension

In this way, the AI automatically and independently expands the topics that the chatbot addresses and at the same time tells companies more about it.

Generate customer insights automatically: This is how dreaming works

In the video, Frederik explains (German only) exactly how the dreaming feature works and how it ensures that the chatbot's content expands independently.

What our customers think

"moinAI's intelligent chatbot solution enables us to automate online customer communication around Geberit AquaClean in chat, making our customers happier and our online support more efficient."
Portrait of a customer
Dipl. Phys. Thomas Brückle
MBA Area Manager Marketing, Geberit Vertriebs GmbH
Read Case Study
Reduction of support requests
interactions per year
47% +
Automation of all messages
"Through moinAI's AI chatbot, we were able to convert 38% of all bot users into a qualified lead."
Portrait of a customer
Alexander Dick
Digital Business Development Manager
Read Case Study
of users are converted into qualified leads.
Inquiries are answered automatically.
Automation Rate
"The moinAI chatbot solution enables us to answer the majority of customer inquiries automatically and pre-qualify them intelligently."
Portrait of a customer
Anna-Soraya Hein
digital marketing
Read Case Study
Automation Rate
<1 min
Average Response Time
Around the clock availability
"With moinAI, we were able to optimize the customer experience on the TEAG website. The software is very intuitive for both employees and customers. The CSM team works extremely quickly and courteously. This is how you want to work together!"
Portrait of a customer
Hendrik Kupfer
Customer Experience Manager
14 days
from project start to go-live.
30 FAQs
can be answered directly by the chatbot.
Automation Rate
"The great strength of moinAI lies in the "natural understanding" of customer questions - within a short time we were able to achieve automated answers to 60% of all inquiries in the chatbot. Thanks to the rapid development of the solution, we will still be with this provider for many years to come on the cutting edge of the latest technical developments."
Portrait of a customer
Eva Kubitz
Consultant for organizational development
Rate of Automation
Publishing portals use the AI chatbot
positive ratings of the chatbot responses

Boost customer satisfaction with quicker responses.

See for yourself and create your own chatbot. Free of charge and non-binding.