On Demand Webinar

How American Express is using an AI chatbot to improve the customer experience and win more new customers (German only)

On-demand webinar (available anytime)

Wir haben super Conversion-Ergebnisse erzielt von einer Conversion vom Chatbot zum Lead von 6% und einer Conversion vom Lead zum Neukunden von 30%, was im B2B Finanzdienstleistungsbereich eine wirklich gute Conversion-Rate darstellt!

Mark Pflaumbaum
Digital Marketing Executive - Paid Media, Social, Affiliates

Time is money — and thanks to an AI chatbot, American Express directly saves both: Using an AI chatbot, a 3-digit number of new customers were generated within six months. The clear focus is on the holistic optimization of the conversion rate — from the landing page to the completion of the application.

Sign up for the webinar:

Speakers in the panel:

Webinar host Frederik Schröder
Mark Pflaumbaum
Digital Marketing Executive - Paid Media, Social, Affiliates
American Express

Webinar host Frederik Schröder
Frederik Schröder
Managing Director

Frederik Schröder ist Experte für Chatbots & KI. Seine Mission: Das Potenzial künstlicher Intelligenz für Unternehmen nutzbar machen. Dies tut er in seiner beruflichen Praxis mit Kunden und im Rahmen von Vorträgen & Webinaren, in denen er das Potenzial von KI und Automatisierung anhand von Praxisbeispielen erlebbar und nachvollziehbar macht.

In collaboration with:

After participating in the live webinar, you will know everything you need to know about the following points:

Using the American Express practical example, Frederik Schröder (moinAI) and Mark Pflaumbaum (American Express) show how an AI chatbot can be ideally used in the financial sector — automating customer communication and thus automatically answering recurring questions and increasing the conversion rate.

  • AI as THE communication trend of 2023: The reasons why artificial intelligence is making the decisive difference for excellent customer communication, especially in 2023.
  • American Express Best Practice: Mark Pflaumbaum shows live in the webinar how AI is being used in marketing & sales by Amex to increase the conversion rate.
  • Digital self-service solution: With a digital assistant, automate recurring customer inquiries in seconds and thus optimize the customer experience.
  • Finance industry templates: For the most relevant use cases and standard topics based on over 20 practical examples from the financial sector.
  • AI Deep Dive: How independent learning is possible based on artificial intelligence and what is really intelligent about chatbots.
  • Learnings and next steps: Mark Pflaumbaum shares his previous learnings and shows what you should consider when introducing an AI chatbot