
virtualQ optimises customer communication through intelligent call-back management, which automatically processes inquiries and transparently displays waiting times.


Connect virtualQ To moinAI For Seamless and Automated Call-Back Management

By combining moinAI's scalable chatbot and VirtualQ's intelligent recall management, you can provide customers with an efficient solution for recall requests. The inquiries are processed directly in the chat — with the option to find out waiting times, leave telephone numbers and cancel the call back if you wish. This automation makes it quick and easy for users to get the support they need while relieving customer service.

virtualQ x moinAI: These Are The Benefits

The integration of virtualQ and the moinAI chatbot has many benefits — both for companies and customers:

  • Automated recall options: The chatbot automatically handles communication to arrange callbacks. This saves time and reduces waiting time in customer service.
  • Transparency during waiting times: Users immediately receive a transparent display of the expected waiting time and can adjust their recall request as required. If the waiting time exceeds the company's specified limit, users have the option to make a new request or cancel it.
  • Easy phone number entry: The telephone number is entered directly in the chat, and moinAI ensures that the information is correctly formatted and validated.
  • Flexibility when canceling: Recall requests can be easily canceled at any time without any additional effort.
  • Seamless integration: The recall request is automatically sent to the virtualQ system. For the service team, this means less manual work and more efficient processes, while customers are called back faster — without any additional waiting times.

How virtualQ Works:

virtualQ makes it possible to arrange recall requests in real time while transparently communicating the waiting time. The seamless integration with the moinAI chatbot allows customers to conveniently select their call-back option without leaving the chat.

As soon as the request is sent, it is sent directly to virtualQ and processed by an employee. Should the situation change, users can also easily cancel their call back in the chat.

If you would like to find out more about the technical implementation, please have a look at our help center articles. There you will find all the information you need to get the most out of virtualQ x moinAI.

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