Automated customer communication — everything you need to know

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Today, a good product is no longer enough to convince customers. If you want to break free in competition with other companies, you have to communicate individually with customers and offer fast, competent service. However, this is hardly possible today without appropriate technologies. In this article, you can find out how automated customer communication can be used and what benefits it brings.

What does automated customer communication mean?

Nowadays, most customer communication takes place digitally upon various channels instead of. Customers expect to receive feedback on their concerns as quickly as possible at any time. And not only has the number of channels that companies need to serve increased rapidly, but also the amount of requests: Customers are increasingly turning to the customer service. And in doing so, they also want individual support and personalized be addressed. Mass marketing speeches are no longer effective.

It is hardly possible for companies to large volumes of customer communication to be lifted manually. To do this, they would have to provide an incredible number of employees and financial resources. How can you then answer the countless inquiries that companies receive promptly and individually? And how can you in times when service plays a decisive role in customer satisfaction Play, take communication to a new level? The solution: automated customer communication through artificial intelligence.

It wasn't that long ago that it was barely possible unstructured input to process emails and phone calls automatically. But artificial intelligence has evolved in such a way that it can now answer inquiries from company website, emails, or from phone calls can analyze, edit, pass it on to service staff or even solve it yourself. AI now communicates independently with customers. In this way, it helps companies attract customers with relevant messages to address on the appropriate channels and always available to be when they have questions or problems.

Benefits of automated customer communication

Companies that automate communication with their customers have a few benefits. And customers also benefit from AI-supported communication:

Vorteile für Unternehmen Vorteile für Kunden
Eine KI kann 24/7 mit den Kunden kommunizieren. Sie bekommen jederzeit eine Rückmeldung auf ihre Anfragen.
Automatisierte Kommunikation zielt auf die individuelle Customer Journey ab. Unternehmen können so durch individuelle, passgenaue Kommunikation überzeugen. Inhalte, die sie erreichen, sind auch wirklich relevant für sie. Sie erhalten maßgeschneiderte Angebote.
Durch Automatisierung können Inhalte auf verschiedenen Kanälen miteinander verzahnt werden.
Automatisierung erleichtert es ihnen, mit Kunden in Kontakt zu kommen.
Automatisierung entlastet den Service. Das schafft Freiräume für komplexe Kundenprobleme bei den Service-Mitarbeitern. Sie sparen Zeit und Aufwand bei Service-Anliegen. Ist ihr Problem komplexer, kommen sie schneller in Kontakt mit einem Mitarbeiter, der wirklich Zeit für das Anliegen mitbringt.
Eine effiziente Kommunikation und Personalisierung stärkt die Kundenbeziehungen. Kunden haben positivere Erlebnisse beim Kontakt mit Unternehmen oder bei Problemen. Das steigert die Zufriedenheit.
Unternehmen sparen Personalkosten, da durch Automatisierung weniger Mitarbeiter nötig sind.
Automatisierung reduziert die administrativen Aufgaben. Das spart zeitliche Ressourcen.

Which tools help with automation?

Automated customer communication can be achieved through various tools:

Tools zur Automatisierung der Kundenkommunikation

Email marketing service

Emails are still a popular channel for communicating with customers. With email automation, emails or newsletters are processed according to certain rules sent. For example, companies can address various customer segments.
AI also helps answer inquiries received by email. She reads the messages and categorizes them according to established rules. It then either answers automatically or forwards the email to service staff, for example.
When mailing tools and CRM systems are connected together, messages can be played out and personalized more precisely. For example, individual marketing campaigns are then possible for the various phases of the customer journey.
The aim of automation is a stronger customer loyalty or a higher conversion rate.


But AI can do much more than “just” answer emails. AI chatbots For example, complete entertainments with customers. They can ask them questions, and through natural language processing and AI, the chatbots are able to understand the question and answer customers precisely. Many questions from customers come up again and again — especially here, chatbots are masters at helping customers quickly and, for example, offering them suitable articles from the Self-service area to show. Helpful here: Some chatbots also recognize the other person's mood (sentiment analysis) and can adapt their answers accordingly.

Another plus point: chatbots can proactively address people who are on the company website and thus Contact with potential new customers produce. Chatbots can therefore automate various processes between marketing, service and sales.

CRM systems

With a Customer relationship management (CRM) systems enable companies to record and manage all relationships and interactions with their customers. The system also provides an overview of all important customer data such as address, birthday, email, previous purchases and length of customer relationship.

That makes it the central data sourceif you want to automate customer communication. This database makes it possible to send personalized communications, for example based on customer behavior, previous purchases or on occasions such as birthdays.

What purposes is automated customer communication suitable for?

We have collected three examples of how automated customer communication is suitable:

1. Attract new customers

With personalized communication, which is played out via various channels and is relevant for the respective person, it is possible to create a emotional attachment Building up with customers — that can be the decisive factor why they choose their own company over another. Identifying potential customers early on, addressing them in a personalized way and providing them with the necessary information they need to make a purchase decision can therefore Advantages over competitors bring. As we have already shown, chatbots, for example, can help with this active approach.

2. Save costs

Automating customer communication offers a major lever for saving costs. Since simple inquiries in particular can be processed very well automatically, companies need fewer employees in service. In other words, you save on personnel costs.
In addition, automation makes communication very easy resize, which is barely possible with manual processing and with very high expenses would be connected.

3. Increase customer satisfaction

Automated customer communication allows you to better serve your customers. They receive faster and more tailored answers from you and receive information that is really relevant to them instead of mass messages. At every touchpoint with the company, they have a personalized and optimal experience. As a result, they feel understood by the company and they have to invest less time until they receive feedback on their concerns. All in all, this increases customer satisfaction enormously. And only satisfied customers will remain loyal to the company in the future.


In times when customers are increasingly contacting brands on various channels, companies can no longer process the volume of inquiries manually. Your customers today expect you to communicate with them in a personalized and tailored way. Without automation, this can no longer be achieved after a certain company size. Tools such as chatbots, email marketing services, or CRM systems help automate communication. This makes it easier to acquire new customers, save costs and increase customer satisfaction. Automated customer communication therefore creates several important advantages over the competition. As a result, companies can't avoid automating their customer communication today.

Find out more about how AI chatbots can contribute to automated customer communication in our ultimate chatbot guide. It is free of charge and can be downloaded without obligation.

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