Userlike is a messaging platform for web, mobile, and messaging support that enables live chat and customer messaging.
What happens if the chatbot doesn't know what to do? A chatbot does not have an answer to every question, either because it has not yet been trained on the topic or because the question is too complex to be answered by a chatbot. However, if the moinAI chatbot is unable to answer a question, a so-called human takeover can be initiated.
During a human takeover, the chatbot passes on the conversation to a service employee. For the user, this transfer is very convenient and requires no effort, as the conversation persists in the same chat window or widget thanks to the Userlike connection.
moinAI's Userlike integration makes a combination possible that takes the user experience to a new level: The combination of an AI chatbot and live chat.
Good to know: This also works completely without integration! moinAI also has a live chat, which you can use in combination with the moinAI chatbot without any additional effort. In this way, you avoid having to connect different systems together and can manage the two automation solutions directly from a single source. For more information about moinAI's live chat, please visit our live chat page.
Use the Userlike interface to make communication processes easy by automatically assigning chat requests within the chatbot to live chat agents.
Userlike defines and names the four possible behavior modes of a chatbot in connection with Userlike as follows:
The moinAI CSM team recommends testing all modes, starting with the mode service time.
One of our most important priorities is ease of use and an excellent user experience, both for website visitors and customers, as well as for employees who come into contact with moinAI.
The transfer from the chatbot to the live chat agent (a so-called Human Takeover) works smoothly for the user, who can simply stay in the same chat window and wait for the live chat agent to get in touch. However, this takeover is also very easy for the live chat agent in the background. You can see exactly how this works in the video:
moinAI has years of experience in automated customer communication and is therefore the No.1 AI chatbot on the German-speaking market with its Made in Hamburg solution. With a combination of moinAI and Userlike, you can benefit from concentrated AI and service expertise and offer your customers excellent service.
Entdecken Sie die Möglichkeiten eines KI-Chatbots in Ihrem Unternehmen. Lernen Sie die Features von moinAI kennen und entdecken Sie in einer Tour durch den KPI und Analyse-Bereich die Vorteile eines Chatbots. Gerne beantworten wir auch Ihre Fragen. Alternativ können Sie uns anrufen oder eine E-Mail an uns schicken.